Fault Lines: From the Front Lines

Short Doc Series / 26 Minute Film

Directed by Rob Viscardis
Producers: Natasha Luckhardt, Rob Viscardis
Cinematographer: Pawel Dwulit

Shocking stories from frontline workers in Ontario reveal fault lines in the system exacerbated by COVID-19.


In March 2020, our lives were rocked by a global pandemic. We were ushered inside, confined to four walls, estranged from loved ones, and told to wait in limbo. We could not hug our parents, hold newborn babies, console loved ones, celebrate or grieve. But we managed to find new traditions. We supported small businesses, made noise for healthcare workers, walked with friends, told people we love them more often, and slowed down to remember what and who matter most: our loved ones, health, community, and frontline workers.

While frontline workers were keeping the province alive and well, they were in danger of falling victim to the coronavirus. Migrant workers, airport taxi/limo drivers, and personal support workers, among others, were victims of the virus, and our system in crisis. And most, if not all deaths, were preventable.

The pandemic unearthed and exacerbated the fault lines in our system for workers: No paid sick days, profit over people in private long-term care, the unequal burden of disease on Black, Indigenous and Workers of Colour and on persons with disabilities, the lack of power workers have to speak out and up. All of these cracks in the sidewalk existed before the pandemic. But they were patched up or side stepped by politicians.

In this short documentary, we gain intimate access to the homes and minds of workers who share harrowing and perplexing stories of the impact the government and their employers’ response to COVID-19 had on their lives. As they welcome the audience into their homes, we feel the weight and aftershock of the downstream effects on their families and communities.


The Films

Episode One | Edwin
Episode Two | Pratibha
Episode Three | Natasha
Episode Four | Gurinder
Episode Five | Tiana
Episode Six | Marcos

The series ended up working as a standalone film as well

The initial goal was to create a series that would be highly shareable on social media, but somewhere along the line we thought it would be nice to have one cohesive film that could be submitted to film festivals, and that would be more appropriate for certain types of screening settings. It ended up working well as a standalone 26 minute film, which was accepted into a few festivals and has played in various venues and settings.

This film was produced thanks to a commission from the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL). This was a brilliant collaboration and we look forward to more collaborations with the OFL and similar organizations in the future.

Another project for the OFL that was exciting to produce was this highlight reel of a day of action for International Workers Day: